Setup ActiveMQ on windows
In this tutorial we’re going to setup the ActiveMQ on windows operating systems.
Apache ActiveMQ is the most popular open source, multi-protocol, Java-based message broker. You can read about ActiveMQ from the official Documentation by clicking here.
Downloading ActiveMQ-
if you don’t have already downloaded ActiveMQ, you can click here to download, and find your respective operating system build.
In this tutorial we’re installing on windows operating system , so search for windows on the download page and look for latest release of ActiveMQ.
we need to download zip file for windows by clicking on
Linux users can download tar file and extract that using following command-
tar -xvf apache-activemq-5.16.3-bin.tar.gz
Unzip the zip file by any tool on windows ( Winzip etc)
How to start ActiveMQ-
After unzip the ActiveMQ binary zip file, to start ActiveMQ you need to go to bin directory inside that unzipped folder and than you’ll find the following structure in the bin directory —
Windows 64 bit user can go inside win64 and 32 bit user can use win32 folder, and run the activemq.bat just by double click or via command prompt (open command prompt and go inside the win64 or win32 directory and than type activemq.bat and click enter).
ActiveMQ will be started by default on port 8161, and you can access ActiveMQ console by this link — , default username and password is admin/admin.
To close ActiveMQ, you can just use Ctrl+C on command prompt.
Now you have successfully installed and running ActiveMQ on your local machine.
Hope you liked this article.